To our Bandicoot Families
It is hard to believe we are almost at the end of 2024! In the Bandicoot Room we have had had a wonderful journey of learning, growth, fun, and discovery. Here are a few highlights that we would love to share with you.
Speaking and Understanding our Daily Acknowledgement of Country:
Each morning, we sit for morning group time and we talk about the Aboriginal flag and Torres Strait Islander flag and we say our Acknowledgement to Country. The children discuss how we can look after the land and the water. We invited the Platypus children to come and visit our room and hear us talk about the flags and say our Acknowledgement to Country. We also listened to the Platypus Children say the Acknowledgement to Country, then they showed us their book which included photos of their children engaging in positive connections and contributions to the people, land, animals and water of the land on which we live, laugh, and play.
Imagination and creativity
The children have really been enjoying pretend play. This term we have had numerous areas set up such as an airport with aeroplanes, cafes and kitchens and we currently have an open-ended imagination station with some different dress ups, tools and doctor’s equipment which the children really love. As an extension to our airport and aeroplanes, which has tied in with children and educators going on their holidays we have been discussing the world map. We put photos on the map so we can move them to different parts of the world!
We are all different
Another highlight in the Bandicoot room this term are our discussions around everyone being different. We read the book during our group time “We are all different.” To extend on this the children have been drawing self-portraits acknowledging the different colour hair, eyes and skin they may have. This linked in with the ongoing interest in the Bandicoot room around arts, crafts and drawing.
We would like to thank all the Bandicoot families for their constant support and communication throughout the year. It has been a pleasure supporting your child’s development watching them explore, grow and learn. We wish you all the best for the holidays and hope for a wonderful new year.

learn, play, grow
Ada Mary A'Beckett Children's Centre
2 Batman Road
Port Melbourne 3207