To our Kinder Three families

What a fantastic final term we have had in the kinder three room. An excellent way to finish off the year. The children continued exploring new learning topics through our intentional teaching program and we had many visitors including wild life, the dentist, tooth fairy and weekly yoga sessions.

During these visits the children were curious to learn new facts about the wild life and loved holding or touching them. This was very exciting for all the children and a favourite of theirs was the “blue tongue lizard.”

Our visit from the tooth fairy helped the children understand the importance of oral hygiene and how to keep our teeth happy and healthy. This linked into our intentional teaching topics of keeping our bodies safe and learning to be independent. 

The children eagerly participated in a yoga class every Thursday morning, allowing them to relax their bodies and minds. Yoga is very beneficial for children to strengthen and stretch their bodies. Our yoga teacher taught the yoga poses in a fun exciting way while singing beautiful relaxing songs like “fly like a butterfly.” The children have a very active schedule within the kinder room so providing them with tools to breathe and relax was fantastic. 


Finally, our beach discovery program was a highlight in Term 4. The children were practicing their road safety rules, exploring nature and appreciating our beautiful beach. The children got to see star fish and jelly fish when exploring the beach and learned what to do if these were discovered on the beach. The children collected beautiful shells from the beach and they were very excited to bring them home and show their families. All the teachers were very impressed with the children being active participants in following our road safety rules. They made excellent decisions keeping everyone safe which is a very important life skill. Their road safety journey will continue as they venture into preschool and take on the “super safe heroes’ program.”

As a final note we wanted to thank all of our families. You have been supportive, thankful and enthusiastic about our Kinder Three room. We have all built such wonderful relationships with every one of your amazing children and we wish them the very best as they head into their next learning adventure in preschool. 

Hope you all have a wonderful end of year. 



learn, play, grow

Ada Mary A'Beckett Children's Centre

2 Batman Road

Port Melbourne 3207