Platypus families
As the year comes to an end, we want to take a moment to reflect on the wonderful journey we’ve shared in our Platypus classroom. It has been a year full of growth, learning and endless smiles. It feels like just yesterday when we welcomed your little ones into our classroom and now, we’re amazed by how much they’ve grown and accomplished.
Highlights of Our Year:
- New friends and bonds: It has been such a joy watching the children form friendships and develop social skills, learning the importance of sharing, playing together, and caring for one another.
- Curiosity and exploration: From discovering new textures, colours, and shapes to engaging in creative play, our children’s curiosity has been the driving force behind so many fun learning moments.
- Showing respect for land, water, people, and animals: We eagerly explored lessons to inspire a love for nature and animals in our young learners. We learnt how to respect others by showing care and how to help our garden grow. As well as, extending upon the Acknowledgement of Country statement, voiced by the children each day, in the Platypus classroom.
To all the children who will be moving on to the Kinder Three classroom or new Early Learning Centres, we send you with our warmest wishes. Your time in our room has been a delight and we know you will continue to shine in all that you do. Keep exploring, learning and having fun!
Finally, we would love to extend a very big thank you to all our families for your continuous support and involvement throughout the year. Whether it was volunteering your participation, helping with classroom projects, or simply providing encouragement, you have made such a positive impact on our environment.
Wishing you all endless joy, love, and success.

learn, play, grow
Ada Mary A'Beckett Children's Centre
2 Batman Road
Port Melbourne 3207